It's been a frustrating week.
As most of you know, I was supposed to start a new job with the courthouse on Monday. Unfortunately I received a call last Wednesday informing me that a hiring freeze has been put into effect and my job offer was no longer being extended to me. The call came in as I was walking in the door from finalizing plans for the daycare of my dreams. I don't think I've ever been more frustrated and upset, I can't tell you how disappointed I was (and continue to be).
I'm having a hard time with the fact that I have to start the job search at square one AGAIN and I can't put my daughter into the best daycare I've seen in a year of searching. For the first time since we moved to Oregon, things seemed to be going our way and working out perfectly and it was all reversed with that one phone call.
Though I've having a hard time staying positive, I'm thankful to be receiving such wonderful support of all of my friends and family. I continue to remind myself that everything will work out when it's meant to happen, and things could be so much worse. In the meantime I'm enjoying spending so much time with Sassy-pants and counting the days to our week long visit in Minnesota. I'm hoping to come home from our trip feeling refreshed and ready to start again.
Until then, I'm sorry to be such a blog bum. I'm hoping inspiration finds me soon so I can get back on track here. If you see any inspiration, or have any extra you'd like to donate, I'd love to have it. I'll trade you for it.