Monday, September 20, 2010

Chili Mac. It's Disgusting.

I love my conversations with Sassy-pants on the car ride home from daycare. We talk about our days, what we had for lunch, and what we want to do when we get home (today we were super excited to go home and sit on the about an exhausting day).

Today I asked her what she had for lunch, and her response was, "Chili Mac. It's disgusting."

I couldn't really argue that one.

That kind of got me thinking...I feel like lately the lunchtime menu at Sassy's school has been slipping. If it's not chili mac (uck, I can't even think about it without making a grossed out face), then it's pizza, or corndogs, or ramen noodles. These, to me, do not spell nutrition. Don't get me wrong- they do serve fruits, vegetables and milk with every meal, and thankfully SP loooooves her veggies and milk...but I'm starting to worry that she's not eating as healthy as she should be at lunch.

At home we frequently do fish, salad, veggies...we try to stick to wheat breads, milk or watered-down juice...and when we're at home, SP eats very well. So, my question is- am I overreacting, or should I consider packing a lunch for her every day? I am out of the house for work by 6:30am every day, so if I did pack a lunch I would have to SERIOUSLY be on the ball. And I can't really think of many meals I could send with her that wouldn't required much preparation on the school's part.

Still debating this and weighing pros and cons with Handsome...not really sure what we're going to do at this point. It's entirely possible that I'm overreacting because it's not as if she's at an unhealthy weight, has any kind of health issues, or is not very active...I just feel like maybe we need to make a change.

Until then, she and I are going to continue our strong disgust of Chili Mac.


Ann said...

Um, my thoughts exactly . . . although homemade chili mac may actually be good, something tells me chili mac from a school is not even close to the same thing. I know I even have a hard time packing myself a lunch (and I get up at 5:00am every morning), but what I have found is that if I do it the night before it's easier. Remember back in the day they use to have a school menu . . . not sure if she has the same thing, but if she does you could decide maybe in advance what days you don't want to chance it and make her lunches just a couple/few times a week. It's kinda of a compromise then.

Kirimi said...

Ooh, that's a good idea...I will have to look into that. Perhaps on ramen and chili mac days I could substitute. Thanks for the advice!

Lisa said...

I had to laugh when I read this... we had JUST toured a daycare Toby might start at next summer and we came at lunch time and what was on the menu? PIZZA! Hmmm....

ChiliMac does sound gross. But I am a disorganized mess in the morning so have no lunch packing tips for you. I eat hospital cafeteria food almost every day...