Wednesday, July 8, 2009

She's Baaaaaack!!!!

Just when you thought I'd abandoned the blogging world forever, here I am again! My very serious case of writer's block is starting to fade away and I'm finally feeling the urge to blog again. Sorry for the unexplained 3 month hiatus!

We've been keeping plenty busy here in Oregon (I'm on my 3 week summer vacation!!), and the next two weeks will be the busiest of the summer. We're counting the days until a visit from Handsome's sister and her husband, followed immediately by a 5 day camping trip along Bumping River in SE Washington with my bestest friend in the whole wide world...then another couple days of fun at the beach and a little exploring in downtown Portland. Needless to say, I am VERY excited and will have plenty to blog about!

Other news on the home front...Miss Sassy-pants is finally potty trained! What a difference it has made for us. She is more independent and VERY proud of herself, and we are enjoying the small pay raise now that we don't have to buy diapers anymore!

Handsome is doing very well at work, his branch just finished third in the state last month! He has been working very hard lately and is counting the days until his week long vacation. I am currently on summer break, which I am LOVING. It will be hard to go back to work on the 22nd, but nice to get back into a regular schedule.

That's about all I can think of for now, but I PROMISE I will stick around this time...really! Okay, I know you don't believe me...I suppose I deserve it after 3 months of silence. I will do my very best to win you all back!

Until I blog again...


Sweet Shibui Photography said...


FINALLY!!! Someone to stalk... :-)

Counting the days, check you soon!!!!

Lisa said...

Excellent blog. Glad you've returned to blogging land. Facebook status updates are less informative.

Natasha said...

Yeah what is up with long blog absenses???? I would never do that!!! hehe