Wednesday, October 7, 2009

On the way home today...

This is the conversation that Sassy-pants and I had:

Mom: "I missed you today, baby girl."
Sassy-pants: "Yuck."

Um, okay...not quite the response I was looking for...I'll try again in a few minutes.

Mom: "I missed you today..."
Sassy-pants: "I know."

Wow, shut down again. I'll give her another minute...

Mom: "Hey honey? I missed you..."
Sassy-pants: "Yeah. Can I have a pretzel?"

Man, I cannot win today! Let's try this ONE...MORE...TIME.

Mom: "I MISSED you today baby girl!"
Sassy-pants: "I missed you too, Mommy!"
Mom: "It's about time!"
Sassy-pants, in her sassiest voice: "Heehee, you betcha! I'm funny!"

Oh yeah, you are HILARIOUS, kiddo...