Miss Sassy-pants! Last week her class held a pumpkin decorating contest- there were no rules, just be creative and have fun. Miss C and I spent an hour walking around Michael's looking for ideas...at one point we had in our hands a pair of googly eyes, a doll's wig, and a pack of stickers...then we decided maybe we liked the rainbow pipe cleaners and sequins better...then it was a Mr. Potato Head that caught our attention...in the end, the item that caught Miss C's eye the most was a container of glitter.
"What about a sparkly pumpkin, Mommy?" her eyes got wider, "A sparkly PRINCESS pumpkin!!"
That settled it. We bought a tube of glue, picked the best looking collection of glitter colors and made our way home. We had the most fun decorating our pumpkin, and Sassy-Pants loved getting to choose which color went where. She made sure we used every color.
We made a mess of the kitchen and got some silly looks from Daddy when he walked in the door...but Miss C was ecstatic to bring her finished product to school. She got "oohs and ahs" as soon as she walked in the door.
Everyone brought fun and interesting pumpkins to share. They all sat together in a row for all the kids to look at. Then last Monday, another class came in to vote. Each child got to pick their favorite- Miss C's got 7 votes! She was the grand prize winner and was so proud that everyone "clapped at her pumpkin". It was displayed at the front desk and she received a special prize from her teacher.
Here she is, tickled to show off her prizes:
Way to go Sassy-Pants!
We're taking our sparkly princess pumpkin with us to Nana & Poppa's for Halloween, it will go perfectly with the very special pink princess dress that Nana is making for her!
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