Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Put your body on the potty

My daughter is a bright, happy 2 year 8 month old little girl. She can count to 10, sing her ABC's, and put her shoes on by herself. She knows more about the functions of our digital camera than my husband and I combined. She ALWAYS wants to do what the big kids are doing, and enjoys doing things for herself- putting her shoes on, taking pictures, getting the mail, unlocking the house when we get home...she's a "big kid" for sure.

If she can do all of this happily and successfully, why oh why doesn't she have the slightest interest in potty training? We've been at it for months. We've read all the books. We sent away for the Pamper's potty chart. The Dora "You're a Star!" potty crown. We have M&M's on hand at all times to reward her for being such a big girl. Our house turns into a ticker-tape parade every time she does use the potty. When it happens, she screams for everyone within earshot to come running, FAST. We all throw our hands in the air and congratulate her, and she gets a "special treat" from the kitchen as a reward.

Some days it happens every few hours, she stays relatively dry and our throats are hoarse by the end of the day from celebrating so much. Other days it doesn't happen at all. Not once. She shrieks protests at me for even suggesting that we try to go potty on the toilet.

I'll admit, we've done some things to set us back . We moved to a new town, into a new house, twice in a six month period. We followed some advice from a parent newsletter that turned out to be disastrous. One day I read something about putting the (rhymes with soup) from the diapers into the toilet to show your child how the process works. I highly recommend NOT following this advice, because now she thinks she can do her business in her diaper and follow through with the next step (heavy sigh). Major setback.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not in a huge hurry for my baby to grow up. I'm just sick of diapers. And I know we shouldn't rush this, she'll get there in her own time...I was just kinda hoping that time would be now :-) We're putting this whole mess on the back burner for now, we'll dust it off and start again in a few weeks maybe.

In the meantime, it's diapers and wipes for us! The Dora crown will have to wait.

Anyone have any good tips or funny potty training stories to share?


Anna said...

I find it usually takes patience. None of the rewards or punishments or other tips I have tried with my children have ever produced miracle potty training results. Sticking them on the toilet every so often helps some, I think; so do rewards for success, and I may be a bit counter-cultural in thinking that punishments for failures (after they have shown themselves capable of going when they need to) are perfectly ok. But even with all that, it takes long enough for the potty-training to stick that I usually feel like I want to pull my hair out. :) I think your best bet is to wait till you're ready to start again and then just stick with it. It will happen eventually.

Jessica Kettle said...

ugh. potty training! NOT looking forward to that.

Thanks for commenting on my blog! Im glad people are starting to transition from my space/ facebook to blogs. Soooo much better!

CRS said...

Kirimi, love your blog! But potty training, oh boy! Even though it's 20 years in the rear view mirror, the thought still makes me shudder. Learned with Jamie that it just doesn't happen until they are ready and that saved me alot of grief . . . and days, weeks and months in the bathroom, with John.

Natasha said...

Kirimi- I have to agree with CRS the best way to train is to talk about it, model it and let go of the rewards and gimicks. When she is ready she will let you know.

Someday remind me to share with you the potty song I made up for Lilli to the tune of Baby got back.

I know how much it sucks- I had 3 in diapers at one time. Nolan potty trained himself at 2.5 with a "no thank you mom I don't want diapers anymore" Yeah how weird is that. Ash was the worst and hung on till 3 on his third birthday I told him that they didn't make diapers for 3 year olds. I know so naughty of me but it worked.

With Lilli I did what you are doing and when I finally gave up she came around but it was tough.

Keep us posted on how it goes.