Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Hikers

I've been sorting through pictures on my digital camera and figured I would post a few of my favorites to let you know what we've been up to lately. For Handsome's birthday a couple of weeks ago, we spent the afternoon hiking around Silver Falls State Park in Oregon. We soaked up the sunlight and enjoyed being out in the cool, crisp air. Immediately following our return to the parking lot, we hiked our tired butts to Applebees for some happy hour appetizers and comfy chairs. :-)

We had a blast and are looking forward to heading back when it's a little bit warmer out! Here are a few pics from the drive to the park and the hike:

The fantastic view from the park entrance:
I would like to get my Christmas tree HERE next year:

At the top of the falls:

Walking behind the waterfall:

In amazement over the water:

Christmas pictures coming soon!


Sweet Shibui Photography said...

Oh, that looks like so much fun! I love Shy's amazement face. So cute!!! (Jonny, too!)

Good luck in your search for the perfect background--that's why mine is plain black. It's hard to find one!! :-)

Sarah said...

It's so beautiful there! Silver Falls is one of our favorite hikes. I'm glad you found it. You guys should also check out the North Fork of the Santiam, east of Salem.
