Monday, January 12, 2009


Sassy-pants always seems to find the most inopportune time to need my help with something. I’m usually up to my elbows in soapy dishwater, buried beneath mountains of unfolded laundry, or right smack dab in the middle of making dinner. This morning her untimely request came while I was attempting to clean yogurt smoothie off the countertop, cabinets and floor (MAJOR spillage, you don’t want to know).

“Mommy, I need to play playdoh! I need to play playdoh!!!” …notice it’s “need" and not “want”, like this is a life or death situation

I explain that I am busy but will help her in one minute. She then calmly repeats herself, emphasizing each word by drawing it out slowly, as if I misunderstood the fact that she wants my assistance. “I W-A-N-T….to plaaayyyy ….P-L-A-Y-D-O-H.”

In my most calm mommy voice, I explain again that I need to finish what I’m doing before I can get out the playdoh. She proceeds to demand AGAIN, this time raising her voice to that whiny “on the verge of a tantrum” level.

I muster up all the strength I can and take a deep breath. Through clenched teeth and in my most stern Mommy voice I simply say, “MISSY…”

She pauses, then utters a VERY over exaggerated sigh and rolls her eyes…”Okay Mommy, I will be patient and put a smile on”. Funny, I was trying to do the same thing, darling girl.


Natasha said...

Oh that is so cute...BTW have you met Lilli? hehe

Sweet Shibui Photography said...

That's hilarious!!! Love it...