In sort of a MySpace/Facebook survey fashion (and inspired by a friend's blog), I am posting 25 totally random things about me. There is no rhyme or reason, these are the first things that came to my mind. Here goes...
1) In my family, there is an unspoken rule: no matter who is leaving the house or what the reason is, you must wave goodbye. It doesn't matter if someone is leaving on a trip, or running down to the grocery store, we always wave. My grandma started this and it has been carried down to my own family, which I love.
2) I cry VERY easily during movies. I am the biggest sap ever. My husband makes fun of me for it all the time, but I can't help it.
3) Since I graduated high school, I have lived in 3 states, 5 apartments, and 5 houses, and I have moved 10 times.
4) I want to go back to school someday. What for? Who knows...
5) I have discovered that I can vacuum my entire house using one outlet. At first this made me sad, but then I realized that I'm totally happy with the amount of space we have, and less square feet = less time spent cleaning :-)
6) I hate golfing, but it's my favorite game on the Wii. Plus, I worked at a golf course for three years. Ironic?
7) I have a serious fear of small spaces. I can't even watch scenes in movies involving crawl spaces, closets, or being trapped. Even thinking about it is making my palms sweat.
8) I would love to have a garden someday, but it is physically impossible for me to keep plants alive. I once had a small indoor tree that only needed to be watered once every few weeks, and it died. On the other hand, I remember to feed our fish twice a day and am fully capable of taking care of my family.
9) I hate following recipes. It's so much easier to just throw a bunch of stuff into a pot instead of having to stop every five seconds to double check a measurement or see what the next step is. It's more fun to guess, but consiquently my food almost never tastes the same as the last time I made it.
10) When I'm thinking really hard, I often twirl a pen in my hands without paying attention. Hours later someone usually has to point out that my hands are inexplicably covered in black ink.
11) I really miss MS-DOS programs. I was going through some old boxes the other day and came across a game that I used to play with my dad all the time- The Dagger of Amon Ra. It was a totally awesome adventure/murder mystery game about a reporter named Laura Bow. It got me thinking about all the other old games we used to play- Space Quest, King's Quest, Lemmings...anyone else ever play these games?
12) I LOVE rain. It doesn't matter if it's sprinkling, misting or downright pouring outside, it always puts me in a good mood. And I realize that's weird, but it's the truth.
13) I sincerely hate emptying the dishwasher. I would much rather clean my bathroom and wash windows than empty one load of dishes. I don't know why.
14) I love cheese but I'm very picky about the type of cheese I eat. I will only eat blue cheese, parmesan or EXTRA SHARP cheddar. And that's it.
15) I had three reoccuring dreams growing up. One involved being stuck in a moving vehicle that I couldn't stop, another was of my sister and I being chased by ghosts, and the third was about our house being robbed by men in white painter coats. Totally weird.
16) I took four years of Spanish in high school and I can't remember how to say anything beyond "Hola, como estas?". I really really wish I had paid closer attention, I would love to be bilingual.
17) I have zero tolerance for barking dogs. We are surrounded by dog owners, almost all of whom let their dogs bark at all hours of the day and night, and it drives me mad. My blood pressure skyrockets the second I hear a dog's bark.
18) Calvin and Hobbes is my absolute favorite comic strip. My dad has the entire Bill Watterson collection and I am so jealous.
19) I still listen to the Backstreet Boys. Don't judge.
20) I hate watching basketball. It's the most boring sport in the whole world to me. That even includes golf.
21) I can recite just about any scene from just about any episode of Friends. If someone is questioning what episode a specific scene is from, I can usually tell them which one it is. And I'm not bragging, I think it's completely ridiculous.
22) I was in seven car accidents with my first car (although one of those doesn't count- my car was backed over in a parking lot). I have been rear ended sitting at a stop sign twice, I have been rear ended while slowing for a turning car twice, and I have hit two deer. And I hit those two deer in a two week period. With the same car. On the same road. One on each side.
23) I am really good about not hanging on to things I don't need, except when it comes to clothes. I still have a pair of jeans from the beginning of high school. I will never fit into them again, but I just can't bring myself to throw them out. It's ridiculous.
24) I hate butter, mayonnaise, miracle whip, and ranch dressing. Yuck.
25) I really don't like talking on the phone. I am so much better at staying in contact via email, letters, texts...anything but the phone. Any daily tasks that involve calling someone (even if it's just to make an appointment) are usually pushed to the end of the list in the hopes that by the time I get to it, it won't need to be done. That almost never happens though.